You're saying that the so-called cooler heads of the northern, liberal countries aren't so rational since they've led us into the incoming climate catastrophe with runaway capitalism.
I've criticized that kind of capitalism plenty in other writings. If we're talking about the last several decades in the US which has led this kind of capitalism, much of the impetus for it has come from the Republicans (such as Reagan), and that libertarian cult of the "free market" forced Democrats to sell out their base and triangulate with neoliberalism. The Republican states are subtropical, though, so that's consistent with my hypothesis.
If we're talking more broadly about the whole history of capitalism, and about how the European empires used it colonially, I'd agree that the northern, liberal countries aren't utopias. They're relatively rational in protecting individual rights and freedoms, but we haven't discovered a way to eliminate greed and sociopathy, or to prevent powerful people from being corrupted by their temptations. Unless, that is, we look at the Nordic model, as I do in an upcoming article in this series.