You’re confusing lack of research with preferring the historical-critical method to faith-based deference to religious tradition. You subscribe to religious traditions, while I’m more interested in actual history. I’ve written many articles on religion. Some are polemical, others focus on historical detail. For one of my latter ones, see this article. See also this categorized list.
You claim the interpretation of the Trinity doctrine as polytheistic isn’t based on research, but that’s absurd. Of course Catholics say the doctrine is monotheistic, but the doctrine itself posits an absurdity sustained by word games. As such, that doctrine is open to different interpretations that have nothing to do with research. It’s a question of philosophical judgment and conceptual analysis.
Take your comparison to a chemical compound. If the three atoms that make the compound are the three persons, is the compound as a whole a fourth divine person? If not, the Trinity doctrine entails there’s no one God but three gods, held together by a force or some metaphysical gibberish. A god in the theistic sense is a person, not something analogous to the forces that hold together atoms to form a compound. So how many divine persons are there, according to the Trinity? Three? Four? One?
You don’t actually address my point about why Jesus’s sacrifice didn’t conquer Satan, since you avoid the next question in the article, which is about why we need to exercise faith in Jesus to seal the deal.
You also contradict yourself regarding the devil, since there you say the devil is no longer a threat, due to Jesus’s sacrifice, but earlier you try to contrast monotheism with Zoroastrianism by saying that monotheists “all hold that Satan is a created being and is therefore subject to God, and is powerless to do anything against God’s will.” So has the devil always been powerless or only after Jesus’s death? If Satan was always just a puppet, why was Jesus’s death needed to “defeat Satan,” as you put it? Was Jesus’s death just a sideshow?
I’m not American, by the way. I’m Canadian, so Trump’s not my president (thank your god). If you don’t see how conservative Christians in the US have aligned themselves with the Republicans and have become a cult of personality especially under Trump, you’ve got a lot more reading to do.
Speaking of which, let’s just take a trip through some Wikipedia articles for some basic knowledge of ancient history, shall we?
From Zoroastrianism:
Zoroastrianism “is a multi-tendency faith centered on a dualistic cosmology of good and evil and an eschatology predicting the ultimate conquest of evil with theological elements of henotheism, monotheism/monism, and polytheism…
“In ancient Zoroastrian eschatology, a 3,000-year struggle between good and evil will be fought, punctuated by evil’s final assault. During the final assault, the sun and moon will darken and humankind will lose its reverence for religion, family, and elders. The world will fall into winter, and Angra Mainyu’s most fearsome miscreant, Azi Dahaka, will break free and terrorize the world.
“According to legend, the final savior of the world, known as the Saoshyant, will be born to a virgin impregnated by the seed of Zoroaster while bathing in a lake. The Saoshyant will raise the dead — including those in all afterworlds — for final judgment, returning the wicked to hell to be purged of bodily sin. Next, all will wade through a river of molten metal in which the righteous will not burn but through which the impure will be completely purified. The forces of good will ultimately triumph over evil, rendering it forever impotent but not destroyed. The Saoshyant and Ahura Mazda will offer a bull as a final sacrifice for all time and all humans will become immortal.”
From Abraham:
‘The Abraham story cannot be definitively related to any specific time, and it is widely agreed that the patriarchal age, along with the exodus and the period of the judges, is a late literary construct that does not relate to any period in actual history. A common hypothesis among scholars is that it was composed in the early Persian period (late 6th century BCE) as a result of tensions between Jewish landowners who had stayed in Judah during the Babylonian captivity and traced their right to the land through their “father Abraham”, and the returning exiles who based their counter-claim on Moses and the Exodus tradition.’
From Judaism:
“Some suggest that strict monotheism developed during the Babylonian Exile, perhaps in reaction to Zoroastrian dualism. In this view, it was only by the Hellenic period that most Jews came to believe that their god was the only god and that the notion of a clearly bounded Jewish nation identical with the Jewish religion formed. John Day argues that the origins of biblical Yahweh, El, Asherah, and Ba’al, may be rooted in earlier Canaanite religion, which was centered on a pantheon of gods much like the Greek pantheon.”
From Origins of Judaism:
“The origins of Judaism according to the current historical view, in contradistinction to the religious account as described in the text of the Hebrew Bible, lie in the Bronze Age amidst polytheistic ancient Semitic religions, specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism, then co-existing with Babylonian religion, and syncretizing elements of Babylonian belief into the worship of Yahweh as reflected in the early prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible…
“During the Babylonian captivity of the 6th and 5th centuries BCE (Iron Age II), certain circles within the exiled Judahites in Babylon refined pre-existing ideas about their Yahweh-centric monolatrism, election, divine law and Covenant into a strict monotheistic theology which came to dominate the former Kingdom of Judah in the following centuries…
“In 539 BCE Babylon fell to the Persians and the Babylonian exile ended and a number of the exiles, but by no means all and probably a minority, returned to Jerusalem. They were the descendants of the original exiles, and had never lived in Judah; nevertheless, in the view of the authors of the Biblical literature, they, and not those who had remained in the land, were “Israel”…
“The Yahweh-alone party returned to Jerusalem after the Persian conquest of Babylon and became the ruling elite of Yehud. Much of the Hebrew Bible was assembled, revised and edited by them in the 5th century BCE, including the Torah (the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), the historical works, and much of the prophetic and Wisdom literature…
“Other scholars contend that the development of a strict monotheism was the result of cultural diffusion between Persians and Hebrews. While (in practice) dualistic, Zoroastrianism believed in eschatological monotheism (i.e. only one god in the end). Some suggest that it is not merely coincidence that Zoroastrianism’s model of eschatological monotheism and the Deuteronomic historians’ strictly monotheistic model receive formative articulations during the period after Persia overthrew Babylon.”