Your article attempts to show that nationalistic evangelicals misinterpret the Bible. I don’t think that’s a winning strategy, since the Bible can be interpreted in many ways and its lessons don’t clearly apply to the specific circumstances of a postindustrial society like the US. The more irrelevant the scriptural passages, the more interpretive principles you have to add to the Bible to make the passages seem relevant. And different kinds of Christians will bring to bear different personal assumptions in interpreting the Bible.
I’m sure, though, these evangelicals’ authoritarian and social Darwinian policies fly in the face of Jesus’s example. It’s just that there’s no way today for anyone to live a perfectly Jesus-like life, not because no one is perfect but because Jesus’s day was worlds apart from ours, and because Jesus’s ethics were based on the false assumption that the world was about to end.
Still, liberal and socialist Christians certainly seem more like Jesus than the bigoted right-wing ones. The cost of that left-wing activism, though, is that these Christians aren’t so literalistic and uninformed in their Bible studies. They take onboard the lessons of the historical-critical approach and they accept also the upshot of philosophy and science. They’re critical thinkers and thus can’t help but treat their myths as metaphors. In short, they’re on the verge of being secular humanists.