What makes you a troll is your aggressive tone and your personal attacks.
I take issue with much of popular culture. So what? I'm free to do so and I call it as I see it. Lots of folks criticize the hoi palloi. Who says the average person is a saint who's beyond reproach? I also criticize the elites. I criticize practically everything, both liberals and conservatives, both religion and modern secular society, and so on.
I also write on objectivity. Lots of critics claim to be objective, but of course they're defending a personal viewpoint. I'm objective in the sense that I try to look at both sides and be responsible in representing my sources. But sometimes "objectivity" is used as a euphemism for "empty-headed." What you may want is for critics to be lenient towards the indefensible, such as to things you like which nevertheless deserve to be criticized. That's not going to fly.