Well, you're mixing up a number of things here, but I'll try to clarify it. (By the way, the link to Sender Spike's article at the top seems to be broken.)
First of all, where are you quoting my rejection of Cartesian dualism? Is that from the comments on Sender Spike's article? I can't find it there.
In any case, there's a technical distinction between Cartesian or substance dualism and the property kind. I go for the latter which is consistent with metaphysical naturalism.
More generally, though, I wouldn't say I "subscribe to cosmicism." As I said, I used to call my philosophy a combination of cosmicism and existentialism. I don't call it that anymore, and cosmicism isn't really something you subscribe to anyway. Cosmicism is an unvarnished interpretation of the implications of philosophical naturalism for our species' anthropocentric conceits. It's the starting point of a worldview, not the end of it. At least, if you end your thinking with cosmicism, you'll be some kind of radical pessimist, a nihilistic efilist or antinatalist or something like that. That's not where my thinking ends. On the contrary, I've explicitly argued against such pessimists (including Inmendham on YouTube).
It would be more accurate to say that I mean to incorporate cosmicism into my worldview. It would be inaccurate to suggest that I'm just a cosmicist.
In talking about how higher-order properties emerge in nature, I'm talking not just about how intelligent creatures can become alienated, but how they can create meaning and thus transcend the sorrows of cosmicism. I think of these higher levels as being virtually supernatural in so far as they're artificial rather than natural. Everything's natural in metaphysical terms, for the naturalist, but not everything behaves naturally in that other sense. There's the natural world of blind, amoral, horrific physicality, and then there's the artificial world that's deliberately ("satanically") created to oppose that prehumanized realm.
I talk more about the relevance of cosmicism in "Enlightenment and Cosmic Horror," and about nature vs artificiality in numerous articles such as, "The Greater Miracles of Science."