Well, we'd need to distinguish between evolution and evolutionary psychology. I'm fine with saying that aspects of our existential condition evolved or are products of evolved traits and predilections.
But evolutionary psychologists like Peterson go much further and implicitly prescribe certain behaviours based on evolutionary, just-so explanations. This kind of evolutionary psychology amounts to social Darwinism, which is typically a pretext for authoritarian conservative prejudices. That's what Peterson peddles. He cherry picks from evolutionary theory, finding excuses for his conservative inclinations. It's not a good-faith exercise.
Some facets of human psychology are surely influenced by how we evolved. But no scientific theory entails any prescription or proscription. So as a value system, evolutionary psychology would be pseudoscientific.
By contrast, existentialism confronts the big moral questions about the meaning of life. Evolution and psychology can certainly inform our answers, but we should be wary of the most demagogic and politically loaded misuses of science.