This is roughly what I argue in my several articles on entheogens. (I'm not sure if you've come across them.) I think peak states of consciousness are likely the basis of religion and art. That's not to say they put us in touch with alien beings or with a higher reality, but they facilitate creativity (out-of-the-box thinking).
Moreover, there's something strange going on with the coverup of entheogens. It's a case of suppressing the enlightened perspective on life you tend to acquire when you have your mind blown. Even if the meanings of peak states of consciousness are subjective, there's still a dichotomy between what we might call the shamanic and the mundane mentalities. I align that with the distinction between esoteric and exoteric religious traditions.
The kinds of religion I dismiss are the latter ones since they're unworthy of potentially creative persons. Esoteric traditions tend to be less dogmatic and more enlightened. Mind you, the best religion should be mixed with philosophical skepticism and analysis (not just with theological rationalization), and with great humility.