This article does include some remarks about how astonished I am at Holdsworth's cluelessness--and that's based on a series of articles I've written in response to numerous videos of his, videos that are all deeply flawed, as I've shown. But this article is focused on his argument, so it's far from being just a personal attack. If the article were just me pointing fingers and ridiculing Holdsworth, you'd have a point. Instead, what I do is lay out an alternative perspective on humility in the debate between theists and atheists.
I'm not so interested in whether Holdsworth is personally humble or arrogant. I'm talking about the difference between theists and atheists, as indicated in the article's title. This article doesn't conclude that Holdsworth lacks humility. Instead, I infer that Holdsworth is clueless because of the blind spots in his worldview.
And you're grossly understating what Holdsworth is up to. He's not just "announcing his faith." He's a Catholic apologist with over 100,000 followers on YouTube. He churns out videos that defend his religion and cast aspersions on nonbelievers, especially atheists or secular humanists. His videos are fair game for criticism. That's how a free society works. If you put your views out there on social media, you can expect feedback, especially if you have a large following. And if your public arguments are garbage, expect to be called out on that fact.
You see, I put this article out there too, and here I am receiving your negative feedback. But it's your comment that's ad hominem, not my article. You just ignore the substance of my argument, whereas I don't ignore the substance of Holdsworth's; instead, I quote him at length in the first section.