These are some intriguing images and explanations, like the ones you’ve given before. But if your point is that we tend to misunderstand how the real world is cyclical, you seem to be taking a Wittgensteinian line in saying that the question of whether there’s meaning in life can be explained away.
If someone who’s feeling alienated, apathetic, and depressed came to you and said her life seems empty and pointless, and you were to respond as you just did with all those analogies and peculiar statements about how some things travel from past to future and others from future to past, how do you think she’d answer? Would her sadness go away?
Is it a kind of mystical contentment with the Now that you’re after, as in Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now? Should we just be pleased to ride one wave after another even though they’re just pointless, unintended, amoral swells of water?
Sure, we can narrow our focus on the here and now and lose ourselves in whatever’s currently passing our time. It’s hard to feel overwhelmed when we’re “in the groove,” which is more or less Vervaeke’s point. But we can also step back and recognize the scary, inhuman big picture, which was Thomas Nagel’s point in The View from Nowhere. I wonder what your account implies about the difference between those two perspectives, between subjectivity and objectivity.