The universe begins from chaotic accidents (quantum fluctuations), and order emerges from them over much time. And if the resulting order is indifferent to our interests, you'd expect to find we'd approve of some of the emergent properties and we'd disapprove of others. You'd have a variety of helpful and of harmful natural effects. If the universe were either evil or benevolent, you'd have a more obviously designed, one-sided, hellish or heavenly environment. Instead, we have an array of features, both goods and evils (from the human standpoint).
Moreover, we adapt to that amoral environment to maximize the potential advantages. Our body types develop to exploit a niche. But the niche wasn't obviously handed to us by an intelligent designer. No, this planet happened to include conditions that facilitated the emergence of living things that could eventually exploit the prevailing conditions. On many other planets there are no such conditions, so they're barren wastelands. This is just the weak anthropic principle.
The world looks intelligently designed only when you ignore the vastness of the lifeless universe, as people did long ago when they knew no better and when they originated the anachronistic religions that people still take for granted.