The resentment on both sides of the culture war is surely already at about maximum, so anything you say or do will anger your political opponents in the US. They're on a very short fuse, and the Trumpians are in it only for the trolling. They're not arguing in good faith.
So the question of what's true needs to be distinguished from what's useful. Humans have the potential for agency, but not all people fulfill that potential to the same degree. I do think there's such a thing as freewill or rational self-control, but it's rarer than we might think, and it's something we have to work at. It's all too easy for anyone to fall back on animal habits, instincts, and social programming, and that's especially true for poorly educated, hostile, apocalyptic cultists.
The question I'm raising is whether Trumpians should indeed be treated like full-blown people. I understand the dangers of demonization, but I'm not doing that here. I'm comparing Trumpians to children and to mindless weather patterns, not to demons. Yes, it's dehumanizing, but this depends on the standards of "humanity" at issue.
Philosophers and spiritualists have had elite standards for millennia. So there would be enlightened insiders and the vulgar masses. Yes, these distinctions are politically incorrect, and they don't feel as good as easy-going egalitarianism, but this doesn't settle the question of what's true, regardless of how we feel about it.