The point of the passage in Matthew is that Jesus showed no favouritism towards his biological family because he dismissed natural law, owing to his single-minded focus on God's laws, the latter being diametrically opposite to natural norms. Thus, the first will be last and the last first. Also, Jesus would have assumed that the devil ran nature until God would arrive in full force on the Day of Judgment.
Indeed, as you say, Jesus agrees there with many mystics around the world, most of whom are relatively ascetic. So that comparison doesn't help your case.
Of course, Jesus never preached against love of any kind, including love of your family. But biological love as opposed to a spiritual or moral kind is bound to make you relatively selfish or myopic since you'd have to focus on protecting those to whom you're hormonally bonded. Jesus evidently wanted to break those natural bonds and to replace them with an all-encompassing love of a transcendent, supernatural being. Serving our evolutionary life cycle makes little sense in that spiritual context.
Regarding the expected imminence of the world's end, the website linked below says, 'Jesus taught His disciples to watch for His return. “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Luke 12:40). The command to “be ready” implies imminence.'
There's also Matt. 24:32-36.