That's exactly right, I think. The main source of the incoherence, as George Will would pick up on is between premodern and modern conservativism, between social-theocratic prejudices and the libertarian faith in capitalism (which is inherently secular). There was a realignment, but that doesn't mean conservatives are automatically entitled to both sets of values. They can try to explain how the sets are consistent, and those explanations may be more or less strained. I'd take a cynical view of those attempts, given that conservatives tend to argue in bad faith. When an oblivious conservative like this one just states all her desiderata in a creed, the incoherence becomes obvious.
The new "populist" conservatism looks like a return to the premodern, feudal, theocratic kind that prevailed for thousands of years. It's just straight-up social Darwinism: the alphas rule amorally over everyone else, with noble lies to grease the wheels.