That's a very creative comment. It's a shame, though, that your creativity is wasted in the service of such a trite creed. Yes, I'm aware of the gospel narrative, and I appreciate how you tried to freshen it up with hip verbiage.
The exoteric form of Christianity doesn't interest me directly, though. I see it as a mainstream cooptation of radical Axial Age idealism. The deification/bastardization of Jesus served the Roman Empire and numerous subsequent empires, including the early American one. But the attempt to make this archaic, compromised creed sound logical does little to hide its absurdity, especially in the late-modern context in which the intellectual defaults have shifted towards naturalism, secularism, and liberalism.
I'm afraid it was only ever bloodthirsty humans--having evolved from more primitive primates--who would have appreciated such a blood sacrifice, based on magical thinking and superstition. In worshipping that kind of personified god, we're worshipping ourselves, and we're failing to do justice to the necessary inhumanity of the supreme creative power.