That turn-around is fair, but I think it's misleading. Again, I think it's individualism that's to blame for American problems, just as it's collectivism that's to blame in China. What accounts for those problems in the US is its conception of individual liberty, that is, the libertarian sentiment that individuals should be left alone to pursue their happiness.
Partly, the gun problem is a spillover effect of America's superpower status. The US has the world's biggest military, and because of the American free-market ideology (again, freedom of the individual and of corporations as legal "persons"), the gun manufacturers used the loophole in the second amendment to sell their guns to American citizens, with few restrictions.
Also, religion's declining in the US, and the forms of Christianity that are most popular there are hollow. The true American religion is libertarian consumerism. That's the predominant culture, not Christianity or anything to do with Jesus.