That Fox News canard about how Trump's policies lowered Black unemployment doesn't speak well for your supposedly greater understanding of these political matters.
Those unemployment "rates had been falling for long before Trump took office, and their declines don't appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there's nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate.
"Indeed, both of these rates have been falling relatively steadily since around 2010, early in President Obama's tenure in the White House.
"So have the unemployment rates for all races and ethnic groups tracked by the Labor Department. In general, these unemployment rates tend to move together. So while Trump called out the African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates, they haven't changed in any remarkable way, relative to other groups' unemployment rates."
Neither do your ad hominem remarks about my alleged lack of a desire to understand things cover you in glory. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean the opponent's a demon who's acting in bad faith. There's a chance you're wrong, you know. Indeed, the Dunning-Kruger effect shows that the loudest, most self-confident people in the room may well be the least well-informed. Those who know the most are often the humblest because their greater knowledge includes an awareness of the gaps in their knowledge.
White supremacy's a myth? Was Nazism also a myth?
Trumpism is a thing I talk about in other articles. It's what I call the egregore Trump's insane narcissism conjured to con the masses into worshipping him as a dubious savior. Trumpism is a heightened American version of the global authoritarian backlash against liberalism. Basically, it's the ideology of the Trump cult, which is all too real.