That does clarify, but your use of these terms is somewhat idiosyncratic. “Absolute” has been used a lot in philosophy. It means “complete, perfect, or pure,” and is often thought to be an aspect of an ideal or even synonymous with “ideal.” Maybe when you’re talking about absolutes you’re really talking about equilibrium? Or something else?
When you say, “ So consciousness being only present, goes past to future, while thoughts and feelings rise and fall, future to past,” this still strikes me as idiosyncratic. Desires have a teleological aspect and are thus future-oriented, since the goal’s achievement lies in the future, but I don’t see how thoughts and feelings generally go from future to past. There’s also a difference between the mental states and their objects. The mental states are states of consciousness, so I don’t see how there can be a temporal disparity between consciousness in general and particular conscious states.
Again, I suspect you’re using words idiosyncratically, which makes for some potential misunderstanding.