Thanks. There are certainly some conundrums here I've been pondering for some time. I've just written an article that tackles the question of truth more directly. It's called "Is the Search for Truth a Game? The absurd terrors beyond our cognitive sandboxes." That article should be coming out in a week or two. Below are links to some of my earlier articles on truth, if you're interested. (You might find the top one intriguing.)
I wonder if perceiving more of the world would necessarily add to our understanding. In Kantian terms, we might just apply our cognitive filters to more and more data. The cosmicist or mysterian question is whether there's necessarily a gulf between what there is and what we can understand. It depends what knowledge and understanding really are, and whether they're somehow compatible with the nature of reality.
Heidegger and mystics, for instance, think we can know the essence of reality by knowing ourselves. Inner experience (through meditation and so on) is a highway to grasping fundamental reality. But if human nature emerges from an inhuman, alien reality, there's no such highway.