Nevertheless, Trump's obviously evil, as I argued in the links below. Notice that in the first one, the "greater monstrosity of Trump" refers to all of us who set the stage for the enthronement of such a populist monstrosity.
I'm fine with the commentary on the danger of demonization, the pitfalls of black-and-white thinking, the "original sin" of human nature, and so on. Just as long as that commentary doesn't become an excuse to avoid confronting the magnitude of what we've observed in American politics for the last four years.
As I argue in the third link, there's even likely a Trumpian strategy at work, akin to the Gish gallop in debating. It's a case of overwhelming victims with malignancy so that the culprit gets away with everything. The result is that trillions of misdeeds are committed (hyperbolically speaking), and the witnesses are too aghast to believe the world is capable of generating such a monster. So they blame themselves or look for other excuses for their lack of heroism in confronting monstrosity (i.e. malignant narcissism).
Yes, we share some responsibility in setting the stage and in using Trump's antics for our amusement. But Trump is still Trump. Don't forget that when you're attempting to take the high road.