Just to be clear, your ministering is equivalent to pontificating or ranting. Presupposing that you have the absolute truth, so all you need to do is share it rather than listen to or learn from anyone else is what everyone says who's merely trapped in a self-reinforcing delusion.
For future reference, you might want to tone down the sanctimony and condescension in your comments because they come across as anti-Christian. I mean, where's the humility before your transcendent God, right?
Your arrogant tone spoils your message and is liable to remind the reader that born-again Christianity--especially in the conservative American guise--is a woeful betrayal of what Jesus was about. Conservative Christianity in the US is an appalling excuse for unspiritual Americanisms (for consumerism, runaway capitalism, plutocracy, Trumpism, etc), all of which Jesus would obviously have condemned.
You should want your Christian message to come across as at least halfway coherent, so you don't remind the reader that what you're presenting is just part of an all-around embarrassment.