I'm not sure I understand your cosmology. Does it differ from saying there's an endless stream of universes and big bangs, each reaching a point of maximum entropy or chaos which triggers a new universe in the cycle?
But again what's the upshot of these speculations? What are some of the implications for human life? Also, are you saying there's a reason to agree with this cosmology? Is this just a possibility based on an analogy with numbers or is there an argument in favor of this view?
I take it these cosmological questions are best handled by theoretical physicists. Religions come up with myths that enshrine some of our intuitions or give meaning to the best theories of the day. But it's up to scientists to answer the empirical questions, which raises the intriguing question of whether the nature of the universe is indeed an empirical matter. If not, it's up to story-tellers to fill in the blanks.