I’m not responding to all of that, especially given the weakness of what you say about the key question of whether a first-trimester fetus is a person. You say it’s a “human being” in the scientific sense because the embryo is biologically alive and genetically human. But you missed a third factor: possession of a human body. Human genes are necessary but not sufficient for human life. A functioning brain in a vat wouldn’t exactly be a human being because it would lack a body. Likewise, the first-trimester fetus lacks a fully developed human body, which is why it’s not viable outside the womb.
No, the characteristics of personhood aren’t metaphysical. They’re psychological. See cognitive science for the details. And no, a first-trimester fetus doesn’t have a person’s mental powers. I’m just stating the obvious there.
But I appreciate your substantive, constructive response to the article.