I'm not clear on what exactly you're asking about decadence. But I think the problem you're raising, or at least one I'd raise regarding humanism and Zionism is that Israeli Jews seem to regard their lives as more valuable than those of Arabs and Persians. It's not exactly racism, but there's a sense that Jews regard themselves as especially precious because of their history. Miraculously, it seems, they've survived through the centuries, despite enormous odds. They survived the Holocaust, and here they are again, in a tiny country surrounded by hordes of rabid anti-Jews who mostly want Israel destroyed. There's great antagonism on both sides, but I suspect that for Israel this fear and loathing of its neighbours is mixed up with a sense of the special sacredness of Jews as the chosen people. And that Zionism, which isn't so compatible with humanism is likely felt even by many non-Orthodox Jews.