I'm ambivalent about capitalism, as I am about a number of ultimate matters. Capitalism has its strengths and weaknesses. The question is how it should be regulated, contrary to the libertarian myth of laissez-faire capitalism, that a market free from any regulation is possible or desirable. What should be changed about an economy depends on which social class you want to empower. American capitalism empowers mainly the top one percent in a self-destructive way, as we see from how the society is imploding largely because of its grotesque economic inequalities and tribalism. The social democracies of the Nordic countries are more egalitarian but they're smaller and less multicultural.
I'd also raise the issue of whether progress is possible or sustainable, and by "progress" I mean an advance from the natural default of oligarchy. I don't think it's an accident that the US-led form of capitalism re-establishes something like the feudalism (the indebtedness and virtual servitude of the masses) we saw in the ancient and medieval periods.