If you don't have any pride in yourself as a person, why not just kill yourself? Why bother living if there's nothing in you that's worth being proud of? Why worship God if he failed so badly to create anything of value? For if the rest of the universe is praiseworthy, why isn't the emergence of life and of natural intelligence sublime too?
The false humility of Christians is sickly resentment for devious sissies. Again, the sanctimonious tone of your comments speaks volumes. You rail at the vanity and pride of secularists and skeptics, but every line you write here oozes condescension and sanctimony.
So it's obvious that you feel proud of what you're doing here on Medium, standing up to critics of Christianity. That's a flagrant contradiction. The fact is you're not opposed to vanity per se, because you make a giant exception of the Christian kind.