I was aware of those art books and of how much Kim charges for them. As I say in the article, I assume he's making a living as an artist. Yet he may be charging a lot for them because not many people are buying them. You'll find lots of academic books on Amazon that are priced very high. That's because the authors know in advance that they're not going to have many buyers, so they sell mainly to university libraries, which amount to captive audiences that have to pay whatever the books cost. So the high price is consistent with what I'm saying. Kim isn't as famous as or as rich as he should be.
But even if lots of people were buying his artbooks, that still wouldn't show he's a celebrity like Beyonce or Justin Bieber. The reason he's not is what I say in the article: we care more about sex appeal than about merit or talent. And we care more about simplistic, manipulative pop songs than about creative, challenging visual art (because of the digitization of content, which makes art trivial and disposable).