I can see how Medium would appeal in those ways. Obviously, I don't think Medium is useless, or else I wouldn't be posting my writings here.
I wonder, though, whether the Medium algorithms are as biased or gameable in the tech field as they are in the more subjective area of the humanities (philosophy, religion, politics, etc). Is it usually the case that the best articles on technology are also the most popular ones? In other words, is the tech side of Medium meritocratic? Does the cream rise to the top or are there scams perpetrated on readers even of tech articles? Do you find that you're sometimes baffled as to why a certain tech article got so many claps? Are there such things as fluff tech articles (the equivalent of hackneyed listicles)? Or do the most popular tech articles tend to be listicles?
I don't read tech articles here, so I'm just curious if they play out the same way.