I agree that those labels are divisive, but I'm hardly assigning the bad behaviour (decadence) to the mere word "woke." I'm using the labels because they've entered the discourse. I didn't put them there. Both sides are fighting to define what the labels mean, but their actions can speak louder than their words. If the left goes too far because they have in fact become spoiled, oversensitive, and infantile, the labels will take on a pejorative sense. And we'll need those labels to identify that ironic negativity.
Am I poisoning the article by using the prevalent labels? Or would wokesters recoil from this chastisement because they have no tolerance for pain?
Defenders of cancel culture may presume that those who just want to be left alone must be hiding their misdeeds. But this begs the question of liberalism. For liberals, we're supposed to be free unless we're genuinely harming someone. And what counts as such harm, mere speech? Not if you think free speech is important, especially for artistic purposes.
So no, we shouldn't be free to commit crimes. But that doesn't justify lumping in bad jokes with overt aggressions. The sign of decadence here is the loss of a balanced perspective.