I agree about ancient philosophy. By comparison, modern philosophy has scientistic tendencies, in that modern philosophers see themselves as emulating scientists. That is, modern philosophy is science-centered.
I'd distinguish between naturalism and scientism, though. I aim for my philosophy to be naturalistic, in that I try to take into account scientific findings whenever they're relevant. So a naturalist has proper respect for scientific knowledge and methods. That's different from having a grudge against the nonscientific disciplines.
I have many problems with theistic religions. I don't focus on political objections, though. The main problem starts with Nietzsche's point that we deserve a relevant religion, one that's not stuck in the past. We could use a naturalistic religion, a viable, ennobling way of life that doesn't make fools of us or infantilize us with archaic myths. We could use new stories to live by. The major theistic religions have overstayed their welcome.