Hmm, I was with you there until the end. ;)
It depends on whether we're adopting an exoteric or an esoteric take on monstrousness. The former moralizes, as in popular entertainment, but the kind that interests me more is Lovecraft's "cosmicist," Nietzschean one that takes nature (or the gods or aliens that represent nature in Lovecraft's stories) to be Ubermenschen, beyond good and evil.
Are monsters evil or just inhuman, impersonal, and thus scarily different from us, in which case they challenge our self-entitled sense of centrality? The existential fear of the Other doesn't have to be bound up with simplistic, dualistic moralizing.
I'm not sure whether you've read them, but I consider more directly the ludicrousness of assuming that God would care about morality, in the articles below: