Have you memorized that spiel? I imagine it will comfort you in Heaven to know you did all you could on earth to help nonbelievers by just telling them the magic words of the gospel. Whoever doesn't convert in an instant evidently wasn't meant to be saved. It's not a question of reasoning or of supplying evidence for you, since as you say God will give the convert his faith.
Salvation and divine punishment are predestined, according to Paul, Augustine, Luther, and Calvin, so your only task is to attempt to cast a magic spell that reveals God's intentions. If the conversion happens when you simply state the gospel rigmarole, that's only proof that God the magician had already stacked the deck or snuck the rabbit into the hat.
Yet you speak of a "choice," as if salvation were a matter of works so that we could boast. Back and forth you must go in your incoherent theology, since no one but a monster could feel good about believing that nonbelievers who end up in Hell won't have deserved that fate, that they couldn't have done anything to save themselves since it was all predestined. No, you want to believe they chose to reject Jesus so they deserve to be punished for their sins.
Predestination is deterministic so it makes a mockery of morality. The God who would create puppets to glorify or to condemn would be much closer to a Lovecraftian abomination than to the character of Jesus.
As if anyone really chooses in the first place to repent and convert and change their direction in the manner you describe who hasn't reached rock bottom and who isn't traumatized or desperate for any relief. Isn't that why Christian missionaries score the most converts in poor countries, while the postindustrial secular ones are generally too well off to think of resetting their modern mindset?
How easy would it be for a committed Christian like you to just change your mind all of a sudden and reject Jesus and Christianity? I imagine the prospect would be unthinkable. Yet you presume to condescend to nonbelievers as if they knew nothing of Christianity and their minds were empty and thus easily filled with your religious nonsense.
The bizarre lack of capital letters in much of your comments may be meant to signal your humility and submissiveness, but I'm afraid the condescension that's implicit in your rhetorical strategy gives the game away.