But the idea that Biden is woke, progressive, or a far-left politician is ludicrous. Folks seem to have forgotten what a politician's job is supposed to be: a politician is supposed to compromise because the voters are often divided. Part of the US is far-left, so Biden as a functional politician passes some legislation to please them. He also carried on a number of Trump's policies, which angered that same constituency.
In short, Biden's a real politician. (He's also too old and can't speak well, so he wastes his bully pulpit.) Trump's not a real politician. Trump doesn't negotiate or compromise, and it's not because he's a fervent believer in some conflicting ideology. No, it's just because he's obviously mentally ill (narcissistic), so he's transactional. He literally acts on the advice of anyone who flatters him the most. So he's much more like a corrupt king or mob boss than a modern politician. You can prefer one system or the other, but the suggestion that Biden's comparable to Trump is preposterous.