Biologically Trump's human. Psychologically he's not, as I said in the article. He's mentally disordered, so he's owed a stay in a mental facility. He never got that treatment, because his wealth insulated him. Therefore he became untreatable; his disordered metastasized, as it were.
Biologically, humans can be good or bad, but not fully evil. Evil is committed only by monsters, that is, by those who suffer from severe mental disorders, such as psychopathy or narcissism. Trump is a monster, psychologically speaking, which means his mind is better described as subhuman or anti-human.
There's also a plus side to this capacity for fallenness or for transcendence, namely mental (and perhaps one day biological) transhumanity.
The condition of being psychologically human is defined by certain norms and social functions that are fit for the human herd. If we live outside those norms and that herd, we can become evil or enlightened.